Manuscripts submitted to journal must be original and not submitted for publication anywhere else. Authors are solely responsible for statements and opinion expressed of their contributions. All generic and species names must be printed in italics.
All the manuscripts should be typed in double space on one side in English of A4 size white paper with12 font size in Times New Roman font or in Hindi Kruti Dev 10 in MS World with proper margin on each side. Research Papers should be prepared in duplicate and not exceed 10 typed page. Short Communication should not be exceeding 3 typed pages of A4 size page. Only Standard International units should be used.
All the authors and co-authors must be member of journal at the time of submission of manuscripts.
All manuscripts should be arranged in following serial
Title :The title of the paper should be concise,specific and informative, Typed in capital letters and in bold font.
Authors :Name of Authors should be in capital letters and in bold font.
Designation :Designation should be in running letters and in normal font.
Address : The name of the institution where the work has been carried out and mention the address to which all correspondence concerning the manuscript should be made. Add an contact no and email id for an easy and fast communication of all author and coauthors.
Abstract : An Abstract should be brief with salient points and important conclusion. not exceeding 300 words without references. Abstract should be in Bold Italic fonts.
Key Words : An abstract should be followed by not more than six to eight keyword indicating the contents of the manuscript.
Text : Text should be arranged in Introduction,Views and Discussion and Conclusion, Acknowledgement followed by references.
Reference : At the end of the article reference should be arranged in alphabetical order without serial number . Citation of references should be given in the text by the author’s surname: year, page no. If a paper has three or more than three authors , then it should be referred to by the name of the first author's surname followed by et al. References should be indicated as the name of all author’s ,full title of paper, abbreviated title of journals according to World list of Periodicals and in Italics, Volume of Journal in bold, colon and page numbers.For Indian universities and publishers country name should not be indicated . References should be selective and current basis and 10 in numbers.
Research Papers : Chopra, N L : South Asia and Strategic Environment, USIJ,40, 208
Book : Asthana, Bandana (1999): Indias Foreign Policy and sub continental Politics, New Delhi, Kanishk, p291
Edited Books:- : Jones, A C (1970): The one Party state and and Social Mobilization : East Europe between the Wars, in Authoritarian Politics and Modern Society Edited by S P Huntington and C moors, New York, Basic Books p 133
Thesis : Srivastava, D P (2003) : Bharat- Pakistan Sambandh: Ek Adhyayn, Ph.D thesis, VBSPU Jaunpur, p256
Proceedings, conferences and symposia Papers:- : Srivastava, D P (2007) : Samajik Sarasata Ewam Dalit Chetna, Seminar on Bhartiya Rajneeti me Dalit Chetna ka swaroop ewam Vikas, Dept. Of Political Science, SMRD PG College Bhurkura, Ghazipur p 24
Short Communication and Review Articles: :A short current report of the field of Social Science and Humanities can be submitted for publication under short communication. They do not normally exceed to 3 typed pages of A4 size in MS Word including tables and illustrations. Review articles on significant topics in the field of Social Science and Humanities will be consider for publication. It should not exceed more than 15 typed pages of A4 size in MS Word.
Proofs and Reprints :Miner page proof reading will be done by editorial board of the journal. If required it will be sent to corresponding author.There are no gratis reprints. Minimum number of reprints can be order on payment at the time of acceptance of the paper.
Miscellaneous :The author must ensure that the manuscripts have been prepared strictly according to the format of the journal in all respects.
Rights and Permission: :Winsome India Educational Trust and editors are not responsible for the statements and opinions expressed by author in their articles and reviews. No Part of Indian Journal of Society and Politics may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the chief editor i.e. the copyright of the articles and reviews is automatically assigned to the IJSP. The editors reserves the right to make alternations in the text of the contributions due to space limitations of space conformity of style.All disputes shall be finally settled by the court in Mau.
1 : All manuscript should be submitted by email to, in text must be prepared in MS-Word software. Each figure and table should be saved as separate file . Also one hard copy of manuscript should be sent to chief editor. In case manuscript should not to submitted though email typed manuscript in duplicate along with a soft copy in MS-Word should be sent to Dr Dharmendra Pratap Srivastava Chief Editor, C/O Dr Sri Prakash Singh, 501/1, Church Compound, Sahadatpura, Mau,275101, U.P. India.
2 : The submitted manuscript should have a covering letter and undertaking with signature of the corresponding author.
3 :A Declaration certificate must be furnish by corresponding author at the time of submission of manuscript for publication which are given bellow.